Sunday 9 July 2017

Gurara Falls Niger State

FLHP Family
Hmmm! In What way can I start off this story of our amazing excursion to gurara water falls niger state? ok lets see, It was a conquest, we came, we saw, we conquered. The adventures of
# letsgogurara was made possible off the shoulders of 23 wonderful team mates. It was fun, fun, and more fun. From the departure point to gurara Niger state and back, you could feel the togetherness, oneness in spirit and the eagerness to # turnthegroveon .
Gurara Waterfalls is located in Gurara, a local government area of Niger State North Central Nigeria . The waterfalls is approximately 30metres in height and it lies on the Gurara river along the Suleja-Minna Road according to oral history , Gurara Waterfalls was discovered by a Gwari hunter called Buba in 1745 before some Europeans discovered it in 1925 after they found it as a recreation centre. Prior to the discovery of the waterfalls by the Europeans, Gurara Waterfalls was worshipped by people living in communities around it. Oral history also has it that Gurara Waterfalls and Gurara River were named after two deities called Gura and Rara.
Departure time was slated for 9am and departure venue was to be at area 1 round about garki, but was later moved to the zoological garden area 1 garki. That got us to call, call and call all participants of the trip. It's was until 11:30am we were all Assembled and ready to move. Now guess what, we discovered we had no water and also no drinks, gazebo restaurant, brought our food but forgot our drinks... any way in the light of this we took off and decided to buy on our way.
Travel was made possible with help from Mr. Hassan, our able pilot who knew just when to step on the gas, or apply the breaks. As soon as the 1hour 30 minute trip to gurara started, Ahmed (the most handsome guy in the bus) led us to getting introduced one to another, it was really an interesting session... As we drove through Abuja, looking through the window of the bus, you could see how people were all about their duties, even on a Saturday? What can I say Nigeria is blessed with a dedicated work force and I know we have potentials to be the best, let me tell u this "we are already on our way to being the best". Drive time went on and on and as we started to feel the bumpy road drive, we knew we were already off the boundaries of Abuja to be greeted by the magnificent sight of Zuma rock zuba, Niger state. Myth have it that the water contained in the rock would be enough to cover the whole of Abuja. Ok, back to the 23 most wonderful people in the world that I was with, headed for some adventures at gurara water falls...
So we journeyed the next hour, while we involved ourselves with games that got us laughing, chatting and all turned up for the adventure ahead. We made a pit stop at suleja to get lots of water and very cold drinks. On getting to the gates of gurara water falls we were welcomed by our tour guide Mr. Abdul, who also didn't forget to collect the toll fare of 500 Naria each by this time it was 1:44pm. From here onward he led the trop. As we were made to pay another 2000 naria to some boys who would help to carry our food, drinks, music equipments, and so many other things.
Wow! The sound of water falling from a height said welcome, as we were hugged by the cool serene environment. I could now see everybody's big grins. We hurried down to take our spot under the shade of some big trees, and do u know wat as the dj and I were trying to set up sound, Mr. Abdul lead the trop to climb the falls, pictures where taken and memories where made, and I wasn't there (I guess that was my mistake). Anyway as they were on their expenditure of some falls climbing, I got my clothes off, put on some swim suit and dived into the water, my God, that was so refreshing.
When they all got back, everybody rushed for food. Miss Victoria from gazebo restuarant maned this, as she made sure that everybody got a fair portion of rice garnished with salad,  plantain and a piece of chicken to go with. Hey! as we ate, we danced, and soon after games started. Games night African had it well under control everybody had fun, everybody participated, everybody cheered. At a time we did some little swimming while taking lots of pictures and making lots of noise.
Now it was 5:32 pm, time to say bye, even though nobody wanted to we had to end our adventure, but the fun didn't, so now you see everybody going around doing what they would have loved to do but haven't done. Some guys were by the bus chatting, i guess talking about their next adventure and some others were caught playing cards (whot), checkers. It was a smooth drive back. I must say it was hard to say bye.
For me the adventure at gurara water falls, was a thrilling experience something I would want to do over and over again. I guess i spoke the minds of many, because as soon as we got back on the bus headed for home almost everybody started asking when next would a trip like this hold again.