Sunday 9 July 2017

Farin Ruwa Falls

Farin Ruwa waterfalls Nasarawa state in Nigeria is a sight to behold. I would continue to say that God had blessed Nigeria with so many tourist attraction though most of them are yet to be discovered. Farin Ruwa Falls is a waterfall found in the central region of Nigeria . It is among the highest waterfalls in Nigeria. It is significant among Africa's falls when the total height covered by the waterfall is considered.
The source of Farin Ruwa falls is found on the Plateau State , from whence it gushes down over the edge of the Nasarawa . During its descent from the Jos Plateau, the water drops a total height of about 150 metres (492 ft). This drop is higher compared to the more popular Victoria Falls, which drops a height of around 108 metres (354 ft) during its descent.
Farin Ruwa falls is found in the Farin Ruwa Development Area, under Wamba Local Government Area of Nasarawa State . The falls is found along the boundary of Plateau State and Nasarawa State, under the Bokkos and Wamba Local Government Areas of the two states. The falls has its source on the Jos plateau, in the Bokkos Local Government Area of Plateau State.
The falls was discovered by the then British colonial rulers of Nigeria in the 1950s. A catering Rest House was established in Gur Hill at Marhai village close to the falls in order to exploit it commercially. To protect its rich heritage, the colonial administration gazetted it and named it Marhai Forest Reserve. However, despite this early development, Farin Ruwa was consigned to the background until the creation of Nasarawa State in 1996. The waterfall is about 120 kilometres from Lafia , the Nasarawa state capital, and 30 kilometres from Wamba town.
Farin Ruwa is a Hausa language word meaning 'white water'. Farin Ruwa is a description of the nature of the falls by the local inhabitants of the Farin Ruwa area. The height covered during the descent of the falls is very great, so that the descending water crashes during its way down the Jos plateau escarpment. The falls gradually turns white in colour as a result of the height covered by the falls during its descent.
The falls, as a result of its white colour, appears in the distance to the inhabitants of the Farin Ruwa area like white smoke on the mountains. This white nature of the falls earned it the name Farin Ruwa from the inhabitants.
The mountainous nature of the region surrounding the Farin Ruwa falls induces heavy rainfall from clouds passing over the region during the rainy season from March to November. As a result, there is an increase in the volume of water of the falls crashing from the mountains during the rainy season. The mountains around the falls forms the edge of the Jos Plateau .
There is a drop in the volume of water of the falls during the dry season , from December to March. But it is for a short while, as the falls recovers its water volume again during the rainy season.
The village of messenge as the custodians of Farin Ruwa falls has benefitted so much from this nature's wonder. It is evident that the mountainous surrounding provides an almost all year round favourable climate and ever green vegetations. They have a really interesting story about how their fore fathers migrated to the now settlement.
Anyway to cut to the chase, apart from Farin Ruwa falls, we explored the village of messenge with help from Mr. Emmanuel our tour guide who we met through the king of the village called, Saf kiobuk Adu Agisam. Mr Emmanuel let us into how rich the culture of the villagers is and mentioned that the village of messenge can play host to educational explorers, tourists and excursionists, as it have been blessed with cash crops like oranges, mangos, pawpaw, and most importantly palm, natural resources like tin, columbite, precious stone, uranium amongst others. Chains of hills plays host to caves scattered all over with one very important one that can accommodate the whole village. A formal governor and now senator Adullahi Adamu and form minister Jerry Gana has visited this cave. A lot of fun activities to do as tourist can thrill Themselves from mountain claiming and hikes, and also visit the cold water spring at the foot of the rocks which had already been ascertained to be 85% pure. I would love us to note that the village of messenge is about one hour thirty minutes walk to Farin Ruwa falls.
All and more to discover, at Farin Ruwa falls and its environment with fruity tours